
Frequently asked questions about DMARC, SPF and DKIM

What is DMARC?

Does DMARC block phishing?

Does DMARC help email deliverability?

What additional features to SPF and DKIM does DMARC offer?

What are the different DMARC Policies?

What is identity alignment?

Does passing SPF DKIM guarantee that emails pass DMARC?

What are organizational domains?

How does DMARC use organizational domains for identity alignment?

How do domain owners configure DMARC for their domains?

Do subdomains inherit DMARC policies?

What is the sp attribute in a DMARC record, and do I need to set it?

What does a DMARC DNS record look like?

What is Sender Policy Framework (SPF)?

On which domains do receiving mail servers look up the SPF record?

What does an SPF DNS record look like?

What is the SPF domain lookup limit?

How to calculate Domain Lookup Count for an SPF Record?

When does the SPF domain lookup limit matter?

How can I authenticate SPF messages in a DMARC-compatible way?

I don’t need to intercept bounce messages

I need to intercept bounce messages, and I can’t use a customer’s subdomain in my Return-Path address

I need to intercept bounce messages, but I can use a customer’s subdomain in my Return-Path address

What is Sender-ID, and how is it different from SPF standard?

Do I ever need to configure SPF on a domain that is not used by the Return-Path?

But adding DNS directives to the apex domain SPF record can’t hurt, so why should I change our recommendation?

Do I still need to configure dedicated Sender-ID records (v=spf2.0)?

What is DKIM authentication?

What is a DKIM selector?

Can I use a single key, using a single shared domain, to authenticate multiple customers?

Should I insert DNS records to authenticate messages with DKIM?

Can I share DKIM keys between customers, as long as they have a DNS record (TXT or CNAME) with the key in their DNS?

How frequently do I need to change DKIM keys?

Does changing DKIM key records break messages which are in transit?

How to avoid breaking DKIM authentication when rotating DKIM keys?

How to determine key size of DKIM keys?

Are ADSP, SSP, and other email policy standards relevant for DMARC?

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